According the to the listing agent, Stan Barron...
"If you needed a home to show architecture students how to orchestrate
shapes and textures into an overall design, this would be it. It is
like an art class in which the "painting" is done with organic
materials. For example, take a look at just the exterior photos. The
left side of the house is tall and linear. It dissolves into a
rotunda-shaped tower that is topped with a twelve-sided tile roof
accented with scroll-sawn cornice brackets. There are multiple changes
in the roofline--intersecting gables and a quaint little shed roof to
the left of the front door to denote the separate entrance to the guest
bedroom/office. The garage doors are made from heavy cedar, and note
that two carry arched doors while the third switches to a stone facade
with inline brick header. This home oozes curb appeal. It also sets the
tone for a personality of rustic elegance on the inside."
"Step through the transom-capped double doors, and you step on some of
the most beautiful wood floors you have ever seen. These are not made
from oak like you are used to seeing. Not many builders have the skill
to tame Mesquite, but it is done here to perfection. Mesquite is very
hard wood--indigenous to the area--more expensive than oak, and it has
color and a grain pattern that is stunning. These colorful wood floors
start at the foyer, spill out seamlessly across the dining room, into
the family room, breakfast room, kitchen, and all the way back over to
the artistically-shaped staircase that winds upstairs.
The flowing design is a visual spectacle from the moment you step
inside. Rooms are divided by thick columns and arches. Many of the
spaces are defined by changes in ceiling shapes and varying heights."
"Elliot does great work. He is creative and designs a beautiful home.
He is easy to work with and provides quality architecture drawings in a very timely manner."
Robert Hardy - Hardy Homes