4301 Hank Avenue
   Marshall Willis Custom Homes

First Floor
First Floor Plan copyright Elliot Johnson, AIA

First Floor
Second Floor Plan copyright Elliot Johnson, AIA
Main House
First Floor     - 1292 s.f.
Second Floor - 659 s.f.
Total            - 1951 s.f.

First Floor     - 1098 s.f.
Total            - 1098 s.f.

A Modern Farmhouse with a separate single story ADU on a great corner lot in South Austin.

"Elliot has completed another great looking condo in the inner city Austin area. This makes 4 projects in the last 3 years for Elliot and Marshall Willis Custom Homes.

Highly recommend Images Of..."

Marshall Willis
ADU Plan copyright Elliot Johnson, AIA

ADU Elevation
ADU Elevation copyright Elliot Johnson, AIA