Johnson/Chronister Residence
Member City of Austin
Green Building Program
Why Build Green?

Green building has come of age and moved into the mainstream.  It has always been the right way to build, and in the last few years it has become the smart way as well.  Geen Building now makes both  common and economic sense.

What is a five-star green home?

The City of Austin Green Building Program rates residences from one to five stars, a five-star rating reflecting optimal adherence to sustainability. (At the time the Demers Residence was rated, four-star was the highest rating.)

Images Of... rates each building project at no cost to the client according to the City of Austin Green Building Program standards. Determining "how green"  your home is gives you confidence in your contribution to protecting the environment and can be attractive to more environmentally sensitive consumers when selling your home.

For an example of the characteristics of a five-star green building project see:  anatomy of a green building.